Back in September 2022 I ordered a Swytch electric conversion kit for my bike – I hadn’t ridden my bike for several years but had this idea that as this was the cheapest way of getting an electric bike I would get one… and it took until May to arrive.
But once I had it installed I had a bike that I could use for exercise even in my low level of fitness. So on fine evenings I started to go out for a ride.
My ‘regular’ ride took me through Pool in Wharfedale and several times I rode past a cache and thought I ought to stop and find it… and then one night I did !
21st June 2023 – West – Pool-in-Wharfedale GC7XRKD – cache #6399
I had been cycling past a few times, and deciding where the cache was going to be hidden – and I had decided that it was behind one feature present – and was very surprised when I looked there that it wasn’t !
There weren’t many other places that it could be hidden though, so it wasn’t too hard to find

29th June 2023 – East – Pool-in-Wharfedale GC7XRMV – cache #6400
Another evenings cycling, and this time I went on a little detour to find the cache on the other side of Pool Village

11th July 2023 – South – Pool-in-Wharfedale GC9W8BG – cache #6401
Another ride out and another detour, this time up the hill out of Pool to find this cache at the South ‘entrance’ to Pool

11th July 2023 – Central – Pool-in-Wharfedale GC7XRK7 – cache #6402
And finally for this series, a cache in the centre of the village

17th July 2023 – Montpellier GC8DCPM – cache #6403
A few days later I needed to go into Harrogate to do a bit of shopping, and while I was there I took the opportunity to grab a couple of caches in the town centre

17th July 2023 – Mark Cavendish’s Downfall 2014 GC58N58 – cache #6404
Finally to bring back the cycle theme was this cache, which was by the spot where Mark Cavendish crashed on his sprint to win the Grande Depart of the Tour De France when it was held in Yorkshire