On Saturday evening on the Geocaching UK Facebook group, Yorkshire Taff put a posting on that he had been up on Ilkley Moor, hidden a new cache and had it turned down by the reviewers as being too close to the final co-ordinates of a Puzzle Cache.
Nottins then chipped in and asked whether it was near ‘some masts’, and that if so it was probably a five star difficulty puzzle cache called “All About Yorkshire” that was blocking the publication…
All about Yorkshire is a cache where the co-ordinates are to be found on 4 TB’s one that floats around West Yorks, one South Yorks, one East Yorks and the last one North Yorks… it has only had 13 finds in the 4 years since it was published, and I had never come across any of the TB’s in the 1,700 odd caches I have found in Yorkshire
So this morning armed with nothing more than that the cache(s) were somewhere near the transmitting station on Ilkley Moor I set out to see what I could find…
18th November 2012 – Ye Olde Survey Monuments GC45CC – cache #2224
It was a lovely sunny morning and I started off my search by walking over to the trig point to claim my 5th find on this cache as YSM052 Rombalds Moor
Over the summer the path past the trig point has been laid with flagstones so it is now a bit less wet and muddy getting to it than it has been in the past
18th November 2012 – All About Yorkshire GC19762 – cache #2225
As I was nearly a mile from the transmitter masts I decided the hidden caches would be nearer than I was so wandered along the path back looking at every place where a cache could be hidden – on the moor where all there is to hide a cache is rocks it meant looking at every rock, and there seemed to an obvious outcrop of rocks around which to search, and after a few minutes I spotted what looked to be an opening under a rock with a suspicious looking stone blocking it up, pulled it out and found… a new cache… Yay FTF on Yorkshire Taff’s unpublished cache ! – except I cant actually log an FTF on an unpublished cache 🙁
Knowing that ‘All About Yorkshire’ was within 0.1 miles of this spot I looked round and 50 yards away spotted a likely place for a cache to be… and there I spotted another suspicious looking stone and under that I found another cache !
A very strange cache though, not a geocaching.com cache, or any of the other geocaching sites, but a SOTA Cache (Summits On The Air) placed in 2006 by a radio ham as part of a caching game they played – and found only twice before, on 22/10/2006 by a radio ham ‘2E0HJD’ and secondly an undetermined date by someone signing themselves ‘Fat Bloke’ which is a familiar geocaching name, so perhaps Fat Bloke found it like I did, while investigating a likely place for a cache.
Anyway, I hadn’t found what I was looking for, so I looked round again, and another 50 or so yards away I spotted another likely place for a cache… and would you believe it I found yet another cache ! ? ! – and this time it was “All About Yorkshire”.
I gave up looking for more caches then… It was getting like there was one under every rock !
I was looking for these caches for a total of about 20 minutes, and found 3 geocaches without co-ordinates or hints (though on the moor all the hints are “under a rock” !) – trouble is I can only log one of them !
So you don’t really need to find the TB’s to find this cache… or at least with a bit of perseverance you can find it without them !
(And just for information the cache is actually about half a mile from the feature Nottins mentioned on Facebook)
19th November 2012 – The Secret Garden MK II GC3GM0Q – cache #2226
The next day I found myself back in Ilkley again… though this time in the town, not on top of the moor.
A black cache in a black hole… so dark in there that I didn’t know what size or shape the cache was until I pulled it out into the light… and then it was bigger and less rectangular than I expected !