On a hot weekend in June I went camping at the Dalesbridge Outdoor Centre just outside Austwick. I was camping with members of Plus groups from around the country and a couple of these are also Geocachers, so we took the opportunity to grab a few of the local caches.
June 13th 2009 – Trot On :- Sandaber GC1R62B – Cache #17
Adam and I decided to do this one on our way from the campsite to the pub in Austwick, the hint was something about an old tree stump… I was looking around the ground near the several tree stumps that were there, Adam found the cache by pulling up part of one of the tree stumps which was detachable and drilled to hold the cache which was a PET bottle preform, something I’d never seen before but Adam was familiar with.
June 14th 2009 – Malham Village GC18BYB – Cache #18
This is a puzzle cache set by the Yorkshire Dales National Park people, the answers of which are found by going on a walk around Malham village to solve clues and then deciphering the answers into the co-ordinates of the cache… and it caused us a bit of problems, because one of the answers was just plain wrong and another of the questions was how many panes of glass in a particular window… a window which is now 50% covered over with ivy growing up the house wall… so we guesstimated and got that wrong too… the only problem was that the co-ordinates we did get were for a point about 100 yards back from the top of Malham Cove, which would be a quite expected point to put a cache in Malham… however a lot of searching revealed nothing so we went back to the National Park Visitor Centre and asked about the cache and were given the correct answers and the co-ordinates for the cache which we then went and found… some 2 miles away from the place we were initially looking !
June 14th 2009 – “Sneaky Five” Local Derby (No score yet) GC1GQXJ – Cache #19
After our afternoon in Malham, Adam, Tracy and I decided to go and find a cache about 3/4 of a mile away from the campsite on the orad to Clapham. The cache was hidden in a false rock, well it’s a real rock that has been specially drilled out to hold a geocache.
June 14th 2009 – “Sneaky Six” By The Beck GC1GQXN – Cache #20
Then after we had found that one we decided to walk another half mile to the next one in Clapham village itself, it was another of these false rocks
June 14th 2009 – Tale of Two Tunnels GC1RWYX – Cache #21
And then when we’d done the first two we decided that even though it was getting dark by this time we may as well locate the other three caches in the village… the first of these being along a path that takes you through tunnels under, well I’m not sure what they are under, I guess there may have been a railway line at one time used when they built the local dam, but anyway these are quite long stone lined tunnels, which have plenty of bats flyind around them in the dusk. The cache was hidden in the wall of the tunnel, fortunately at the end rather than in the middle where you would need a torch to find it… cos we hadn’t got a torch.
June 14th 2009 – Clapham Caper GC1KEVD – Cache #22
This one was hidden behind a tree stump in a wall that was in the process of falling down, we had to be careful not to make the collapse any worse.
June 14th 2009 – View 65 (TT07) GC1K538 – Cache #23
An easy find to end the day… well after this we headed back to the pub in Clapham for a well deserved drink and then walked back along the road to the campsite… Which as it is the A65 main route to the Lake District is not recommended as a route to walk in the dark !
June 15th 2009 – Trot On :- Grey Stonber GC1R626 – Cache #24
On my way home I stopped off at the other local cache site and logged the last cache of the weekend