Author Archives: Fil Northerner

Caches No’s 3880 to 3906 – A Welsh Halloween Part 2

Saturday morning, and after a good breakfast we decided that the itinerary for the day would be to go caching around Bala Lake, then come back to town for some lunch, then some caches near the town before heading off up the Bryntirion for the evenings festivities.
First of all though we went for a walk along the main street via the nearest cache to the Hotel Continue reading

Caches No’s 3868 to 3879 – A Welsh Halloween Part 1

When the Halloween Mega Committee announced they were having a rest this year Adam (UKCacheMag) said ‘Let’s go to the Camping thing in Wales instead’ So we did. Camping at the end of October isn’t really our thing though so Adam booked us into a nearby hotel, we took Angel78 along with us as well, the first of our trips she’s been on this year.
The trip down I took a day off work for, so I planned my route via a few Survey Monument locations. I didn’t set off particularly early as the weather was crap when I woke up, but the day soon brightened up and I was in sunshine by the time I got to the first cache. Continue reading

Caches No’s 3865, 3866 & 3867 – Filling the 9th Month

In my continuing attempts to fill the caching calendar I had 3 more days to fill in October. I had decisions to make about which caches to go for, do I go for caches local to home ? or do I perhaps save them for blank days later in the year to do in the dark ? as weekday caching will be in the dark after the clocks have gone back. Though in reality the chances of finding caches on every blank day when I am working during the week is zero as I’ve been caching long enough not to have many ‘local’ caches left to do and I am not going to go on a 20 mile round trip just to fill up a blank spot on my calendar Continue reading

Caches No’s 3856 to 3864 – Earthcache Day 2015

The previous weekend I had found 27 caches towards my target of 172 to get to the 4,000 finds milestone cache. At that rate I would get there mid November. The next Saturday was a bust as I was busy and couldn’t go caching, so on the Sunday I looked for a local place with a high concentration of caches to go to.
It was also Earthcache day, so to get the Earthcache souvenir I had to find an Earthcache. I have found most of the local earthcaches in ‘nice’ places, and so the nearest was in the middle of Leeds… So I headed first to Shadwell where there were almost 20 caches in a small area and then into Leeds for the Earthcache Continue reading

Caches No’s 3837 to 3855 – A Sunday Series Near Wetherby

In order to get to the 4,000 cache milestone by the end of the year I needed to find 15 – 20 caches a week, and I had found 8 on Saturday afternoon, so I still needed to find more for the week, especially as there was likelihood that some weekeknds would be a total washout because of either rain or more boring things that needed doing around the house – so really getting 25 – 30 a week would be better where that was possible.
Sunday afternoon was lovely and sunny, so I looked for a suitable series that looked to be in a pleasant location and had a fair number of caches – a series near Wetherby seemed to fit the bill. Continue reading

Caches No’s 3829 to 3836 – Saturday Afternoon in Skipton

Another thing about going to events and speaking to other cachers is that everyone goes on about achieving caching milestones, 500 caches, 1000 caches, 2000 caches etc… and I realised that although I hadn’t found that many caches this year in reality I wasn’t far off my next milestone of 4,000 caches (my 3,000 cache milestone was at Halloween Mega in 2013, two years ago, and my 2,000th cache was at the UK Mega in August 2012)
So, I thought it had to be possible to get to 4,000 caches sometime in the Autumn, 170-ish to go, 11 weeks to Christmas so that’s only about 15 caches a week to get there by Christmas, 30 caches a week and I reach it in mid-November. Continue reading