Monthly Archives: August 2009

We gotta be starting something, have to be starting something

I have a plan, not necessarily a cunning plan, but a plan nonetheless.

To have a website, with 4 or 5 categories, cos I want to record my Family Tree, my Geocaching, I have old friends that I want to remind and embarrass about things we did 20 years ago, I have random musings to record, and I want a blog.

I already had a Domain, and a copy of dreamweaver, but it seemed to me that the easiest way would to be using a CMS like Word Press… so here we are using Word Press, and a theme that lets me keep 5 categories on the front page.

Now all I have to do is learn how to use Word Press… and learn how to adapt this theme to how I want it.

Cache No. 81 – Friends, Aliens and Camp Rock Stars

August 15th 2009 –  Friends, Aliens and Camp Rock Stars GC1T2TT – Cache #81
Another Saturday morning shopping trip to Harrogate gave me chance to snag another cache, this one in the car park of an outdoor shop which became a convenient place to shelter in when it started teeming with rain as I logged the cache.
From this cache I collected the Travel Bug – TB2J5Y1 – Nacalla’s Bug

Cache No. 80 – Off Yer Trolley! (Guiseley – Wot No Petrol)

August 11th 2009 –  Off Yer Trolley! (Guiseley – Wot No Petrol) GC1B2N7 – Cache #80
I had been toying with this one for a while, everytime I went to the shop there was someone loading, unloading or sitting in a car nearby, this time I was in the clear, only watched by the workers having their smoke break 50 yards away, so they wouldn’t have seen what I was doing

Cache No 68 – Great Dib (W Yorks)

August 2nd 2009 – Great Dib (w Yorks) GC3E94 – Cache #68
Another of the ‘you can see my house from here’ caches… while looking for this I managed to crush my finger beneath a rock, so if you visit this cache you may find a trace of blood on the log book next to my name… This was one of those caches where you can’t find the cache itself and then you walk 6 steps away, turn around and the location is just obvious.
At this cache I dropped off the Garden Critters Geocoin