Caches No’s 4663 to 4673 – The Gallivanting Club

At the Leeds chat I was told about a group caching session that was happening on the following Saturday. I was supposed to be working, but circumstances changed so I had the day off and could go caching after all… in a group, with boats, what could possibly go wrong ?The Gallivanting Club for today was &Ruby, BigFish, CnJnA, Sam539, Coinkezza, Hedgehogmum and myself

30th March 2019 – Creation Celebration: Cache ideas GC84CQ7 – cache #4663
So the fifth cache of the year was also an event, though really it wasn’t an event, it was just a convenient meeting point to get together to go caching with a group.
You did get a Souvenir for attending this event though !

30th March 2019 – Off Yer Trolley – Doncaster ‘M’ GC4PQQK – cache #4664
After the event and before caching we headed across to Morrisons for the all day breakfasts… the cache in the car park was just a bonus of the visit

30th March 2019 – CLOACINA MMXI GC2VEXQ – cache #4665
We had a group, we had a plan, we had a boat (or two), and a cache half way down a canal tunnel…(not that long a tunnel as the headline picture shows)
So we put the Big Fish (easily the largest of us) in the littlest boat and sent him off up the tunnel to find the cache, in the meantime CnJnA got the big boat ready and Jeff and I set off to rescue Big Fish (or at least rescue the cache from his clutches, sign it and put it back.
Much hilarity for all concerned

30th March 2019 – Happy 53 GC7M72N – cache #4666
Good job this cache floats, as the method of getting it involves using a long pole to knock it into the canal, rescuing it, putting it back on the ledge then pushing it as far out as you can with the pole

30th March 2019 – Lock 54 GC6MGCK – cache #4667
So… we went to the cache with Big Fish and Coin Kezza who had failed to spot the cache a few days earlier… it took Kerry about 5 seconds to spot it this time.
Big Fish irritated that he had missed something so obvious on his previous visit then climbed down the lock gates to retrieve the cache and in trying to pass it up to those of us waiting on the top managed to hold it out just a little too far and dropped the cache in the water.
Fortunately we had a boat 🙂 so the cache was quickly retrieved, signed and replaced.

30th March 2019 – Cuckoo way bridge 52 GC85GF9 – cache #4668
We had come along this part of the canal to assist Kerry in setting her new cache, which involved a boat… so we signed the cache before we hid it.
None of us claimed FTF because we had been present at the hiding… though I did give Kerry the coordinates for the cache as I was stood on top of the bridge noting them while she set it underneath

30th March 2019 – Old Green Mile, Branched Out GC67CHJ – cache #4669
After helping Kerry with her cache we went to do two nearby caches on the lane that Bridge 52 took across the canal.
This was the first…

30th March 2019 – Old Green mile lane GC6A90T – cache #4670
… and this was the second

30th March 2019 – Cuckoo Way – Not Another One GC5TH9N – cache #4671
On the way back to the cars from Bridge 52 we stopped to pick up this cache

30th march 2019 – Fox Covert Wood GC5Y3T7 – cache #4672
When we had got back to the car park we decided it was still early enough to do more caches so set off the other way along the towpath – this was the first cache we came to

after this we didn’t find GC5A1R2 lock56, we had two previous finders, so we knew where to look and what we were looking for, but we couldn’t find it…
The day was reasonably warm, but the water was blooming cold

30th march 2019 – Tween the locks GC6PKWK – cache #4673
This was the last find of the day, and an easy enough one

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