The 2018 UK Mega Event

Back in March last year (March 2015 that is) I was at an event in Harrogate talking to Robin (Harrogate Hunters) and Steve (Mad Yokel) – or rather I was listening to them discussing the first Mega Event (Harrogate 2008) and that it would be great if we had the 10th Anniversary Mega back in Harrogate or close by.
Fast forward a couple or three months and I was at another event in Ripon talking to Dave (EeBiGum) and Rich (Richlay) about caching, and we got around to the same subject – wouldn’t it beg great to hold the 10th Anniversary Mega in Harrogate.

A couple of days later I decided to take the bull by the horns and I did what anyone would do when faced with a new project – I started a Facebook Group for it !

From this we decided that the way forward was to hold an interest meeting, which got plenty people to it and a committee formed from them, then we applied for the 2018 Mega and we were successful in getting the 10th Anniversary Mega held by the Yorkshire Organising committee – of which I somehow ended up the Vice-Chairman (basically I didn’t want to be the figurehead in charge, I just wanted to be in a position of enough authority to be able to persuade people that they really wanted to do it my way….)

We then started out debating the important things – forget venues and fundraising, the important things were a) the logo and b) what colour shirts we were going to wear.
Once that was sorted out we moved on to venues and eventually contacted several, got their quotes, made a short list and visited them all to make a decision.

Now it’s just a case of raising the £000’s needed to hold the event – as we are individually liable for any shortfall in funding – not that that is at all likely to happen as we are being well supported by the local and National caching community.

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