Caches No’s 4468, 4469 and 4470 – The End of 2017

2017 was pretty much like 2016 in that I only got three more smileys in the year after the Mega (as opposed to 160 or so I got from Essex mega to the end of 2015)
It would likely have only been 9 caches if it hadn’t been for a Last Cache of the Year souvenir that Groundspeak brought out that had me finding a cache at about 11:30pm on New Years Eve

18th November 2017 – Meet in Skipton – Yorkshire 2018 Roadshow GC7DQDG – cache #4468
Veni, vidi, raffli
(I came, I saw, I won a prize in the raffle)

25th November 2017 – Christmas Fayre with the Yorkshire 2018 Committee GC762AR – cache #4469
Our second fayre, went down just as well as the first – we are now thinking of making it an annual event, it may have just been set up to raise a bit of money for our 2018 Mega, but people seem to like it so much that we will end up doing it again even though we will have to find some other event to raise money for !
We had the return of Skelton the log sheep, this time with his Christmas hat on !

31st December 2017 – Church Micro 10899 …Farsley St John’s GC76Z8Z – cache #4470
On my way home from a New Years Eve trip to see Star Wars at the Cinema… stopped off to grab this cache… looked at the item that matched the hint and thought I know where it will be, and put my hand straight to it.

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