A Frosty, foggy Sunday morning took me out to find some new caches put out in a familiar place – where the Bramhope Circular walk caches were hidden earlier this year…
4th November 2012 – Cookridge Countryside: Bramhope Tunnel Vent GC40PDB – cache #2181
To get to this first cache there were two possible footpaths from where I parked, I tried the nearest, Easternmost path first… and after about 20 yards decided that it was just too muddy so returned to the road, walked along the road to the other side of a house and went up the nice stoney track straight to the cache site.
4th November 2012 – Cookridge Countryside: Tin at the Red Post GC40PE2 – cache #2182
An easy enough find as there aren’t that many red painted fence posts around !
4th November 2012 – Cookridge Countryside: Stu’s Movie Exchange GC40PEM – cache #2183
Another nice easy find…. then I had to paddle through the mud to get back down to the road… I hate mud !
The point of the movie exchange is to swap with other cachers those free DVD’s you get with the Saturday Newspapers… except I don’t get them, so I swapped nothing
4th November 2012 – Otley Old Road: Marker Stone Micro GC40PAG – cache #2184
Never noticed this milepost before and I’ve driven past here hundreds of times (it used to be on my route to work !)
4th November 2012 – Otley Old Road: The Lone Oak GC40PBP – cache #2185
A tree by the side of the road, and a cache hidden at it’s base…
4th November 2012 – Otley Old Road: Twin Towers Micro GC3WNVQ – cache #2186
The description for this cache highlights the requirements for stealth, even recommending “a fake phone call at the cache site until you spot its likely location, before going to tie your shoe lace to investigate further”… on a foggy Sunday morning there was no-one about so I needed no such subterfuge to get the cache
4th November 2012 – Log the log! GC3VB33 – cache #2187
This is a cache that has caused some problems for some people to find… obvious from the name that it’s hidden in a log, and I searched a couple of bigger logs first… but then spotted the right one. Other cachers including some cachers with vastly more experience than me have gone so far as finding the wrong log, assuming the cache is missing and putting out a replacement cache, not realising that the real cache is just a couple of yards away
4th November 2012 – Pinfold Lane Thorny Outlook GC3WF6J – cache #2188
I had to walk past the cache to the end of the field to allow dog walkers to pass the opposite way, but they were soon out of visibility in the fog !
4th November 2012 – Stu’s Music Exchange GC3WFB1 – cache #2189
A CD version of the Movie exchange cache I found a few caches ago… a nice easy find, but again I swapped nothing